Now comes the part that should differ the most, based on the RC you got. But don't worry, it's very much doable no matter the RC you got!
The first thing you should do is find your ESC and your Servo connectors, which should be a three wire connector coming from your RC car.
If you've bought a car that came with a wireless receiver, both the connectors should be connected to it. Here's what it looked like on my RC:
If you didn't have a wireless receiver, you should be able to see a connector coming out of your ESC, which is hooked to the RC motor, and a connector coming out of your steering servo, found at the front of your RC.
Here's a closeup of the two connectors connected to the receiver, with the first channel being the steering servo and the second one being the ESC, in my case:
Okay, we found the connectors, how do we hook them up to our car?
We connect them to the first two channels (0 and 1) of our PCA9685, highlighted in green and blue:
It doesn't matter which channel you connect the servo to, and which one the ESC to, just take note which one went where, you'll need it later on. You can see the numbers denoting the channels above the three pins. I've connected mine to the zeroth and first channel:
Okay, so we hooked up our car to the PCA9685. Now we need to hook it up to our Nano to be able to control the car through it.
But first, let's talk a bit about the way the Nano communicates with the RC through the PCA9685, using a protocol called I²C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) (pronounced: I-squared-C).
Feel free to skip this part if you aren't interested in the alternatives to I²C and why we're using it. You don't need to understand this stuff in order to continue with the tutorial. That being said, it wouldn't hurt to get to know a few other protocols, just to know what's out there and how they differ.
What the heck is I²C?
It was designed back in the ‘80s by Philips, to enable components on a circuit board easily communicate with each other. So it's a protocol components use to talk to each other.
If you want to read a bit more, here's the specification by NXP, since Phillips semiconductors migrated to NXP back in 2006.
There's also a pretty neat primer you can read on the site.
This is basically a TL;DR of the awesome SparkFun I²C tutorial, be sure to check it out if you wanna go into more depth. I'll assume you have some basics of UART and SPI while going through them.
If you are interested in this kinda stuff, but haven't really done any embedded/electronics work before, please do check out the Engineering Essentials tutorials on SparkFun, they're great.
Each I2C bus consists of two signals: SCL and SDA.
PWM is a digital (i.e. square wave) signal that oscillates according to a given frequency and duty cycle.
You can adjust the duty cycle to increase or decrease the average “on” time of the signal. The following diagram shows pulse trains at 0%, 25%, and 100% duty:
Note: Most PWM hardware has to toggle at least once per cycle, so even duty values of 0% and 100% will have a small transition at the beginning of each cycle.
Adjustable frequency PWM up to about 1.6 KHz.
12-bit resolution for each output: for servos, that means about 4us resolution at 60Hz update rate, 4096 levels.
Multiple Drivers (up to 62) can be chained to control still more servos. With headers at both ends of the board, the wiring is as simple as connecting a 6-pin parallel cable from one board to the next.
Board 0: Address = 0x40 Offset = binary 00000 (no jumpers required)
Board 1: Address = 0x41 Offset = binary 00001 (bridge A0)
Board 2: Address = 0x42 Offset = binary 00010 (bridge A1)
Board 3: Address = 0x43 Offset = binary 00011 (bridge A0 & A1)
Board 4: Address = 0x44 Offset = binary 00100 (bridge A2)
Board 5: …
A typical servo motor expects to be updated every 20 ms with a pulse between 1 ms and 2 ms, or in other words, between a 5 and 10% duty cycle on a 50 Hz waveform.
The period of 20 ms (50 Hz) comes from the days where the signal was encoded in PPM format to be sent over the air.
The PPM period was around 22.5 ms, and the conversion to PWM was trivial: the time of the PWM high state was the time position of the PPM pulse for that servo.
Modern RC servo position is not defined by the PWM duty cycle (ON/OFF time) but only by the width of the pulse.
The frequency doesn't matter as long as it is between 40 Hz and 200 Hz.
Typically expects around 4.8V to 6V input on the power wire (varies by car) and a PWM control signal on the signal wire.
Three wires are colored black-red-white, or brown-red-yellow, where the dark wire (black/brown) is ground, and the center wire (red) is power, and the light wire (white/yellow) is control.
RC-style PWM:
Note to self: It is not a good idea to use the Jetson 5V pin to power your PCA9865. Electrical noise and ‘brownouts’ from excess current draw can cause the Nano to act erratically, reset and/or overheat. The PCA9685 should get its own, separate power supply.
We'll be using the SCL, SDA I2C pins from the PCA9865, along with the GND and VCC pins for power:
To connect them to the Nano, we first have to find out which of the Nano pins on its J41 header we should use. Luckily, the Jetson Nano J41 header has the same pinout as the Raspberry Pi, which you can see here, or just use the TL;DR below:
I've connected mine to the first bus (Bus 0):