Visualization: donkey makemovie

The makemovie command is a great tool to visually inspect and debug your model. Here are some example uses:

  • To create just a video of the training data, with an overlay that shows steering: donkey makemovie --tub=pathToYour/data/ --out=outputVideo.mp4

  • To create a video with an overlay of your model steering and the training data steering: donkey makemovie --tub=pathToYour/data/ --out=outputVideo.mp4 --model=yourModel.h5 --type=modelType

  • To create a video with a saliency map and both overlays: donkey makemovie --tub=pathToYour/data/ --out=outputVideo.mp4 --model=yourModel.h5 --type=modelType --salient